CSUMB Week 6



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Part 1: Help Your Teammates to Develop Capstone Ideas

I had suggested a wearOS style app but, it was gaming related and it required a wearOS device like a pixel watch. Both of which are significant barriers for our group. After some discussion it seems we will likely make some sort of web application.

Part 2: Keep Up With Your Learning Journal

This week's learning modules were mostly regarding the interview process for software engineering. Which is especially relevant for me since I am in the middle of applying for jobs. I think the idea that there is a one size fits all solution to the interview process is misleading.

I have interviewed at Netflix, Amazon, Meta and several other lesser known companies. Each process is slightly different.

Amazon for example prefers leet code problems to gauge candidates.

Netflix prefers take home assignments and cultural interviews

Smaller companies likely do not even have standards for interview processes and throw caution to the wind. You could expect an on-the-fly leetcode challenge or a round table type interview where you are asked to implement a new feature to your coding challenge.

Anyways, I felt that the material is helpful but, it is by no means all encompassing.


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