CSUMB Week 3



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Part 1

I dove into the reference material for Time Management Tips. Most of these suggestions are no-brainers but, struggle with reality. The truth is, I am pretty happy with my life as it is. Unfortunately, my life does not adhere to a strict schedule as these tips suggest that I should force it to. I prioritize my health and my social connections over work and education. I don't intend to shift my priorities but, instead use the skills I have acquired over my thirty years of life to find a happy middle ground where I can accomplish my school work and still be happy.

Part 2

This week I learned about ethical frameworks. Tools that you can use to frame your point of view regarding any issue. Honestly, I found the literature very interesting but, I am not sure if I absorbed the lessons in the right way. This might be a bit tangential so bear with me.

As humans as we grow up in a society with other people we develop a rock solid understanding of right and wrong. What is immoral and what is moral. We learn these lessons through experiences, songs folktales what have you.

The lesson I gathered is that almost everything has an pro ethical argument. You could argue that anything is ethical no matter how horrible given these frameworks. For example, you could argue that the boy who cried wolf thought what he was doing was ethical by exercising his right to freedom of speech. The thing is, I see people engage in these endless debates on social media framing things in whatever way necessary to defend their ethical point of view. It is exhausting. It is frustrating.

The last few years has only shown me that engaging in these ethical debates is pointless. People are rarely if ever persuaded. The only actionable thing to do is to be true to your own morals and ethics and hope for the best.

Part 3

A lot of the items listed in this post are things I have used at work so I agree whole heartedly with most of them. However, I do feel like the article is quite a bit outdated and gives outsized importance to VIM and EMACS and unix based systems. Operating Systems have advanced to the point that even a basic Windows user like myself can navigate an ubuntu server fairly easily knowing only the most basic VIM commands.

I also found the importance of AI at the end pretty funny since it's probably referring to complex computer algorithms as "AI" where nowadays we use the term interchangeably with massive neural networks and machine learning models.

Part 4

Honestly, I wish integrity was as important in the business world as it is in this program. Companies worth trillions of dollars will leverage open source code without any proper credit without a second thought. I assume most of the time it's just some random engineer installing a mundane npm package. But, behind that mundane npm package is some guy in Norway doing the hard work of solving that random engineer's problem without getting the proper credit he is due.

In my personal opinion large scale companies should have some responsibility to fund the creators of the software that they use. If there was even a bounty program where if your open source software is used for some production corporate code that would be amazing.


Michael Sorensen
Michael Sorensen

Hi everyone, this is the alpha version of my comments feature. Please let me know if you run into problems using it. I expect there may be many. Thanks!

Michael Sorensen
Michael Sorensen

you can even reply to each other's comments

Michael Sorensen
Michael Sorensen

But you cannot edit comments :(

michael sorensen
michael sorensen

test reply

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