CSUMB CST338 - Week 1



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Discuss the process of solving the Coding Bat challenges.  A major part of software design is thinking about how to approach a problem with the tools we have at our disposal.  What were the steps you took to solve some of these challenges? 

I have a lot of experience coding so fortunately these problems were trivial. However, I did need to look up a lot of java syntax since I usually use javascript/typescript.

Did you plan it out or throw code at it? 

I threw code at it

What worked?


What DID NOT work?


How many tries did it take?

First try every time except if we exclude syntax errors like missing semicolons and whatnot.  


Well, I sort of thought we needed checkmarks on the coding bat challenges rather than stars. It turns out we need 3 checkmarks for 1 star. And, while these leetcode challenges are "easy" doing 27 of these challenges takes a looooong time. The suggested 45min on the assignment is hilarious. In order to complete the first assignment in 45min would make sure each challenge took on average 1.5minutes lol.


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