CST 300 - Major Proseminar
Students learn professional writing, presentation, research, and critical-thinking skills within the diversified fields of computer science and communication design. This class also helps students identify and articulate personal, professional, and social goals while further practicing their problem-solving, collaboration, and community-building skills. Students will demonstrate competence in writing skills at the upper division level.
Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): [Prereq: (GE Areas A1 and A2 and A3 with a C- or better) and (Junior or Senior Standing)]
University Requirement: GWAR Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Units: 4
Ethics Essay: Applying Ethics to Automation in the Real World
This essay covers the ethics surrounding the ever present threat of progress. The juxtaposition of having real world benefits while also threatening human livelihoods. It is an interesting balance that hopefully our society chooses to tackle with empathy.
Final Research Topic Video
For this assignment, we were tasked to create a video discussing a specific topic related to technology. Our team chose the race between two global super powers in the realm of Artificial Intelligence
Click Here for the full length video
Click here for the shortened video