Michael Sorensen

My Name is Michael Sorensen

and welcome to my website! This website serves as my developer playground and a platform for you to look into my development history. I have been a developer since 2017. I have high ambitions to make impactful changes with my programming abilities. While I am familiar with several languages, I would argue that my main skill is breaking big problems into small ones that I can solve quickly. I am always open to new connections. If you would like to collaborate please shoot me an email at me@michaelsorensen.dev or use the contact form below.


JavascriptTypescriptJavaKotlinC++HackPHPPythonGraphQLMySQLPostgresMongoDBFirebaseReactAngular V2+gitperforcemercurialGithubBitbucketWindows OSLinux OSMac OSReact NativeWear OSAndroid OSElectronExpress.jsNext.jsVercelAWSDigital OceanoLlamaChatGPT